Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Unit 5 Quiz- Post Civil War America (1877-1900)

Quiz topics:

Ch. 13 The Expansion of American Industry

Section 1- A Technological Revolution pgs. 456-465

- How did the number of patents change from before the Civil War to the period after the Civil War?
- Explain the impact of the transcontinental railroad
- Explain the impact of the bessemer process

Section 2- The Growth of Big Business pgs. 467-472
- Provide arguments for why the big businessmen of the Gilded Age should be called "robber barons."
- Provide arguments for why the big businessmen of the Gilded Age should be called "captains of industry"
- How did John Rockefeller acquire his wealth? define horizontal consolidation
- What are Carnegie and Rockefeller philanthropists?
- Explain the ideas of the Gospel of Wealth and Social Darwinism
- Why was America ready for big business in the late 1800s?
- How did Andrew Carnegie make his fortunes? define vertical consolidation.
- How did the government respond to trusts and monopolies? (specific act)

Section 3- Industrialization and workers pgs. 473-476
- Identify 2 reasons why the American work force grew between 1860-1900
- How did the relationships between workers and owners change?
- Why did children work?

Section 4- The Great Strikes pgs. 477-483
- Provide an example of how there was a widening gap between the rich and the poor
- What is socialism? Why did most Americans disagree with socialism?
- Why did American workers form unions in the late 1800s?
- What was the reaction of employers to labor unions?

Ch. 14 Looking to the West

- Identify push factors that forced people to move west after the Civil War
- Identify pull factors that attracted people to the west after the Civil War
- Why did stereotypes about the West develop?
- Identify the Frontier Thesis (Frederick Jackson Turner)
- How did landownership differ between Americans and Native Americans?
- Define assimilation- What was one attempt to assimilate Native Americans?

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