Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Jacob Riis Assignment

Jacob Riis Keynote Assignment

Your task is to create a keynote presentation by following the requirements below.

Refer to pg 538 of your text and this link  for basic information about Jacob Riis to get you started. Other credible websites may also be used.

-       All information must be in YOUR OWN WORDS

Slide 1:
-       Summary of Jacob Riis’ childhood/background and Jacob Riis’ occupations?

Slide 2:
-       Explain the purpose of Riis’ work How the Other Half Lives (be sure to include the location of where the photos were taken). In what year was it it published?

Slides 3-7
-       Find 5 pictures that were a part of How the Other Half Lives

Slide 8:
-       Explain the impact of Riis’ work- what reforms or changes took place?

Slide 9:
-       Compare Riis’ pictures to a picture of William Vanderbilt’s Marble House.  On your slide, put a side-by-side picture set-up of a picture of the Marble House and one of your Jacob Riis photographs.

Slide 10:
-       Provide background information about the Marble House. Location, year built, reason for being built, size of house, and how William Vanderbilt made his fortune.
-    Refer to this link for information.

Slide 11:
-       How does the information on the previous slide relate to the distribution of wealth in the late 1800s?

Total value: 20 points
Due: Fri, Dec 19

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