Monday, June 1, 2015

Final Exam Review

Final Exam Review 2015

-        Units 6-12
-        Format- Objective (multiple choice)
-        1 Essay
-        Primary source analysis (cartoon, excerpt)


Unit 6: Becoming a World Power and the Age of Progressivism

  1. Define imperialism
  2. Identify the causes of imperialism
  3. What were the causes and results of the Spanish-American War?
  4. How did the Spanish-American War increase America as a world power? Territories acquired?
  5. What is the Monroe Doctrine?
  6. Arguments for and against imperialism
  7. What did Alfred Mahan believe was necessary to be a world power?
  8. Define Yellow Journalism:
  9. Roosevelt Corollary:
  10. Who were the Progressives? Goals?
  11. What was the Progressive time period?
  12. Reform problems from industrialization, immigration and urbanization
  13. Who was Boss Tweed?
  14. Define Muckraker
  15. Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle influenced the passing of what legislation?
  16. 18th amendment:
  17. 19th amendment:

Unit 7: Chapter 19- World War I

  1. Underlying Causes of World War I: nationalism, militarism, alliances
  2. Immediate cause- Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand
  3. Trench warfare:
  4. Central Powers:
  5. Allied Powers:
  6. Identify 3 events that caused America to join the war: German unrestricted sub warfare- Lusitania, Sussex Pledge; Zimmerman note; Russian Revolution
  7. How were ethnic ties of Americans influences at the start of WWI?
  8. Liberty Bonds, rationing, Daylight Savings time
  9. Identify 3 of Wilson’s 14 Points:
  10. What was the League of Nations? Why was it unsuccessful? Why did the U.S. Senate reject it?
  11. What was decided at the Treaty of Versailles? How was Wilson’s plan for peace different from the other Allies?

Unit 8: Chapter 20 and 21- The Roaring Twenties

  1. The 1920s was a time of dissenting values between the cities and countryside. Prove this. – Prohibition, Religion, Race, Red Scare
  2. Changing role of women- flappers
  3. Installment buying:
  4. Speculation:
  5. Consumer Economy:
  6. Communism:
  7. Impact of prohibition in cities
  8. Impact of automobile on economy and society
  9. How did radio and the movies create a mass culture?
  10. Harlem Renaissance:
  11. Role of heroes
  12. Issue at the Scopes Trial:
  13. Advertising in the 1920s:
  14. Rise of KKK
  15. Who was the Lost Generation? Beliefs?
  16. Economic danger signs of the 1920s

Unit 9: Chapter 22 and 23- The Great Depression

  1. Hoover’s way to deal with the depression
  2. 1932 election candidates; winner
  3. The New Deal: (3 goals)
  4. How did FDR’s New Deal Program change the role of the federal government?
  5. What did FDR do to get America out of the depression?
  6. Bank holiday:
  7. Significance of the Migrant Mother:
  8. FDIC:
  9. What did Huey Long promise the American people?
  10. What was promised in the Social Security Act:
  11. How did Germany get out of the depression? Why did Germany invade the Rhineland?

Unit 10: Chapter 24 and 25- The World War II Era
  1. 4 causes of WWII
  2. Mussolini, Stalin, Hitler, Roosevelt
  3. What did Hitler do to promote the Aryan race?
  4. US Neutrality Acts
  5. Lend-Lease Act
  6. Axis Powers:
  7. Allied Powers:
  8. Why did Japan bomb Pearl Harbor?
  9. Rationing, Victory Gardens:
  10. Double V Campaign
  11. Treatment of Japanese-Americans:
  12. Rosie the Riveter:
  13. D-Day:
  14. FDR’s Four Freedoms
  15. Island-hopping:
  16. How did the end of WWII lead to the problems of the Cold War?
  17. United Nations


Unit 11- The Cold War Era- Chapter 26-31

  1. Define Cold War:
  2. Why was Communism considered a threat to America?
  3. Containment policy:
  4. Truman Doctrine:
  5. Explain how conformity was a theme of the 1950s.
78.  1950s economy
79.  Role of TV
80.  Rock and Roll impact
81.  Over all mood/theme of the 1950s
82.  Brown v Board of Education
83.  Why did the Soviets build the Berlin Wall
84.  Goals of JFK’s New Frontier
85.  Bay of Pigs Invasion
86.  Cuban Missile Crisis
87.  Nikita Khrushchev
88.  Goals of LBJ’s Great Society
89.  Watergate Scandal
90.  Goals of conservatives
91.  Goals of liberals

Unit 12- 1980s and 1990s

92.  Goals of Ronald Reagan
93.  1980s economy
94.  Overview of Reagan’s presidency
95.  Overview of George H. Bush’s presidency
96.  Reason for involvement in Persian Gulf War
97.  Overview of Clinton’s presidency

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