Friday, March 20, 2015

1930s/ Great Depression Quiz Guide

Study the video sheet- "Stormy Weather"

- date of the stock market crash
- causes of the crash
- years of depression
- 1932 election candidates
- How did FDR differ from Hoover regarding the role of the federal gov?
- Name of FDR's program for America
- FDR's First Hundred Days
- Emergency Banking Relief Act
- 3 goals of the New Deal
- Be able to answer the New Deal programs (CCC, WPA, NIRA, PWA, AAA) in a matching format
- How did FDR prevent another depression- Truth in Securities Act, FDIC
- Info about the Migrant Mother photo
- 3 Goals of the Social Security program
- Huey Long
- Arguments against the New Deal
- Arguments for the New Deal

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