Tuesday, March 31, 2015

WWII Identifications

WWII Identifications

1.     Neutrality Acts 1935-1937

2.     Cash and Carry 1947

3.     Lend-lease Act 1941

4.     Atlantic Charter 1941

5.     Why did Japan attack Pearl Harbor? Date?

6.     Who made up the Axis Powers? Allies Powers?

7.     Identify FDR’s Four Freedoms for fighting the war.

8.     Tuskagee Airmen

9.     What did the U.S. government do to Japanese-Americans on the West coast?

10. D-Day

11. What did Harry S. Truman become president?

12. V-E Day

13. What was decided at the Yalta Conference?

14. Nuremberg Trials

15. Island hopping

16. Manhattan project

17. Potsdam declaration

18. Dates of the dropping of the atomic bomb

19. Total # of WWII deaths

20. Total # of Jewish killed in Holocaust

Friday, March 20, 2015

1930s/ Great Depression Quiz Guide

Study the video sheet- "Stormy Weather"

- date of the stock market crash
- causes of the crash
- years of depression
- 1932 election candidates
- How did FDR differ from Hoover regarding the role of the federal gov?
- Name of FDR's program for America
- FDR's First Hundred Days
- Emergency Banking Relief Act
- 3 goals of the New Deal
- Be able to answer the New Deal programs (CCC, WPA, NIRA, PWA, AAA) in a matching format
- How did FDR prevent another depression- Truth in Securities Act, FDIC
- Info about the Migrant Mother photo
- 3 Goals of the Social Security program
- Huey Long
- Arguments against the New Deal
- Arguments for the New Deal

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Unit 8- 1920s Test Guide

1920s Test Guide
-       Text:  Ch. 20
-       Other resources: notes, video sheet “Boom to Bust”, all homework

Society in the 1920s
            - Identify several factors that made life difficult after World War I
            - How did the flapper represent women’s changing roles?
            - Changes in demographics- to where were Americans moving?
            - American heroes- Why did Americans look to heroes?
Mass Media and the Jazz Age
            - Define mass media; Role of mass media in creating a national culture
            - 1st “talkie”; 1st radio station
            - Hollywoodland sign
            - Explain the role of advertising in the 1920s
            - Harlem Renaissance
Cultural Conflicts
Explain the split between urban and rural America; making progress but resisting changes
            The Red Scare
            - What was it?
            - How did Sacco and Vanzetti represent America’s fear of foreign, radical ideas?
            - Amendment? Goals?
            - How did it represent urban vs rural lifestyle
            - % of NY vs Kansas who followed the amendment
            - Negative outcomes of prohibition: bootleggers, speakeasies, organized crime
            - How did the Scopes Trial represent urban vs rural religious beliefs
            - Evolution vs Fundamentalism
            Racial Tensions
            - Why did membership of the KKK rise to 4 million?
            - How did this represent a clash between urban and rural attitudes about race?
(KKK vs Harlem Renaissance)
A Consumer Economy
            - Define above
            - Explain the ripple effect of increased spending in an economy
            - Explain credit/ installment plan
            - Explain how Henry Ford democratized the auto; identify 2 ways that he was able
to maximize his profits
- Identify the economic impact of the auto on various industries
The Economy in the late 1920s
            - Who won the 1928 election? What was his belief about the economy?
            - Identify the economic danger signs of the decade
                        - uneven prosperity: industry, wealth, income
                        - role of personal debt
                        - Playing stock market- speculation, buying on margin
                        - overproduction
                        - hardships for farmers

Thursday, March 5, 2015


Watch the crash course video about the 1920s and answer the following questions.  You will turn in the answers during our next class. The answers should reflect the information from the video and must be your own work. 

1920s Crash Course Video

1.     Provide an overview of the Republican government in the 1920s.

2.     Who were the presidents of the 1920s?

3.     Why did industry boom in the 1920s?

4.     What were some of the labor saving devices?

5.     What was the most significant leisure activity for Americans?

6.     Who was the biggest celebrity of the decade?

7. What groups of people did not prosper in the 1920s?

8. Why was it a “reactionary decade?”

9. What did the immigration laws do during the decade? Who was restricted?

10. What did the Scopes Trial lead to in American society?

Monday, March 2, 2015

CYBER DAY- MARCH 2: 1920s- The Consumer Economy

Read the following article and take bullet point notes in your notebook about major topics and concepts. Will be checked in class tomorrow.

The Consumer Economy

By the end of the 1920s, Americans were overwhelmed by the rise of a modern consumer culture. In response, many of the bitter cultural tensions that had divided Americans had begun to subside. The growth of exciting new opportunities to buy cars, appliances, and stylish clothing made the country's cultural conflicts seem less significant. The collapse of the new economy at the decade's end would generate economic debates as intense as the cultural conflicts of the early and mid-1920s.

Americans in the 1920s were the first to wear ready-made, exact-size clothing. They were the first to play electric phonographs, to use electric vacuum cleaners, to listen to commercial radio broadcasts, and to drink fresh orange juice year round. In countless ways, large and small, American life was transformed during the 1920s, at least in urban areas. Cigarettes, cosmetics, and synthetic fabrics such as rayon became staples of American life. Newspaper gossip columns, illuminated billboards, and commercial airplane flights were novelties during the 1920s. The United States became a consumer society.

Two automotive titans, Henry Ford and Alfred Sloan, symbolized the profound transformations that took place in American industry during the 1910s and 1920s. In 1913, the 50-year-old Ford had revolutionized American manufacturing by introducing the automated assembly line. By using conveyor belts to bring automobile parts to workers, he reduced the assembly time for a Ford car from 12 ½ hours in 1912 to just 1 ½ hours in 1914. Declining production costs allowed Ford to cut automobile prices six times between 1921 and 1925. The cost of a new Ford was reduced to just $290. This amount was less than three months wages for an average American worker. It made cars affordable for the average family. To lower employee turnover and raise productivity, Ford introduced a minimum wage of $5 in 1914 (twice what most workers earned) and shortened the workday from nine hours to eight hours. Twelve years later, Ford reduced his work week from six days to five days. Ford demonstrated the dynamic logic of mass production: that expanded production allows manufacturers to reduce costs, and therefore, increases the number of products sold; and that higher wages allow workers to buy more products.

Cars were the symbol of the new consumer society that emerged in the 1920s. In 1919, there were just 6.7 million cars on American roads. By 1929, there were more than 27 million cars--or nearly one car for every household in the United States. In that year, one American out of every five owned a car, compared to one out of every 37 English and one out of every 40 French car owners. Car manufacturers and banks encouraged the public to buy the car of their dreams on credit. Thus, the American love affair with the car began. In 1929, a quarter of all American families purchased a car. About 60 percent bought cars on credit, often paying interest rates of 30 percent or higher.
Cars revolutionized the American way of life. Enthusiasts claimed that the automobile promoted family togetherness through evening rides, picnics, and weekend excursions. Critics decried squabbles between parents and teenagers over use of the automobile and an apparent decline in church attendance resulting from Sunday outings.

The automobile also transformed the American landscape, quickly obliterating all traces of the horse and buggy past. During the 1920s, the country doubled its system of roads and highways. The nation spent over $2 billion annually building and maintaining roads. By 1929, there were 852,000 miles of roads in the United States, compared to just 369,000 miles in 1920. The car also brought pollution, congestion, and nearly 30,000 traffic deaths a year.

The automobile industry provided an enormous stimulus for the national economy. By 1929, the industry produced 12.7 percent of all manufacturing output, and employed one out of every 12 workers. Automobiles, in turn, stimulated the growth of steel, glass, and rubber industries, along with the gasoline stations, motor lodges, campgrounds, and hot dog stands that dotted the nation's roadways.

Accompanying the rise of new consumer-oriented businesses were profound shifts in the ways that businesses operated. To stimulate sales and increase profits, businesses expanded advertising, offered installment credit, and created the nation's first regional and national chains.

Installment credit soared during the 1920s. Banks offered the country's first home mortgages. Manufacturers of everything--from cars to irons--allowed consumers to pay "on time." About 60 percent of all furniture and 75 percent of all radios were purchased on installment plans. In contrast to a Victorian society that had placed a high premium on thrift and saving, the new consumer society emphasized spending and borrowing.

A fundamental shift took place in the American economy during the 1920s. The nation's families spent a declining proportion of their income on necessities (food, clothing, and utilities) and an increasing share on appliances, recreation, and a host of new consumer products. As a result, older industries, such as textiles, railroads, and steel, declined, while newer industries, such as appliances, automobiles, aviation, chemicals, entertainment, and processed foods, surged ahead rapidly.