Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Unit 2 Study Guide

College Prep U.S. History
Unit 2 Study Guide: Chapters 4, 5- The Revolutionary Era and Forming a New Government

Ch. 4, Sect. 2- Issues Behind the Revolution
-       What was the purpose of the Proclamation Line of 1763?
-       Why did Britain impose new taxes on the colonies?
-       What was the Stamp Act?
-       What were the Townshend Acts?
-       What is meant by the term, “No taxation without representation?”
-       What happened at the 1770 Boston Massacre? Why did John Adams defend the British?
-       How did John Adams plan his masterful defense?
-       Identify the intolerable acts in response to the Boston Tea Party
-       Why were the battles of Lexington and Concord significant?
-       What was decided at the First Continental Congress?

Ch. 4, Sect. 2- Ideas Behind the Revolution
-       What was decided at the Second Continental Congress?
-       Identify the Olive Branch Petition.  What was it? Who initiated it?
-       Who was the main author of the Declaration of Independence?
-       Identify the 3 parts of the Declaration of Independence after the preamble
-       Why did Thomas Paine write Common Sense?

Ch. 4, Sect. 3- Fighting for Independence
-       British and American strengths and weaknesses

Ch. 4, Sect.4- Winning Independence
-       What were the points decided at the Treaty of Paris to end the Revolutionary War?
-       Why did America win the war?

-       John Adams, Sam Adams, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Dickinson, Caesar Rodney, Captain Preston, Abigail Adams, John Hancock, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Paine

Ch. 5- The Constitution of the U.S.

Section 1 Government by the States
-       Articles of Confederation; background and weaknesses

Section 2 The Constitutional Convention
-       James Madison
-       New Jersey Plan vs Virginia Plan
-       Great Compromise
-       3 branches
-       checks and balances
-       role of electoral college

Section 3 Ratifying the Constitution
-       Federalists vs Antifederalists
-       The Bill of Rights
-       Powers of legislative branch, executive branch and judicial branch
-       How does one become president?

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