Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Unit 3- The New Nation

Video- The Market Revolution
- Identify Robert Fulton
- Explain Nathaniel Hawthorne's qute
- What was the 1st railroad?
- Identify advances in communications in the 1800s.
- Explain the role of capitalists.
- Identify the impact of the market revolution.
- Who were the workers of the industrial revolution?
- Explain the role of transcendentalists.
- Explain the effect of business cycles

Answer the following questions in your notebook.  Re-write each question and use note/bullet format to answer.
Unit 3- The New Nation
Ch. 7- Life in the New Nation (1783-1850)
1.     In the 1800s, the United States became a mobile society? What does this mean? Identify 2 effects this had on the country. (pg. 243)
2.     What was trans-Appalachia? Why were people attracted to this region? (pg. 249-250)
3.     How did Native Americans continuously get forced further to the West? By 1840, how were Native American populations affected?
4.     How did the U.S. acquire the Florida territory? What War of 1812 General played a large role in convincing President James Monroe that Florida would benefit the U.S.? (pg. 251-252)
5.     What was the significance of the Seminole Wars and the Adams-Onis Treaty?
6.     Explain the phrase “Manifest Destiny.” Who coined it? When was it said? How does Manifest Destiny relate to westward expansion? (pg. 253)
7.     Describe the Oregon Trail. Why did Americans travel the journey? (pg. 254)
8.     How do the Mormons fit into the westward expansion theme? Explain. (pg. 255)
9.     Explain how the California Gold Rush sparked population growth in the West. Provide population numbers. What are ghost towns?(pg. 255)
10.  How did the Texas War for Independence and the Battle of the Alamo mark the annexation of the Texas territory to the U.S.? (pg. 264-265)

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Unit 2 Study Guide

College Prep U.S. History
Unit 2 Study Guide: Chapters 4, 5- The Revolutionary Era and Forming a New Government

Ch. 4, Sect. 2- Issues Behind the Revolution
-       What was the purpose of the Proclamation Line of 1763?
-       Why did Britain impose new taxes on the colonies?
-       What was the Stamp Act?
-       What were the Townshend Acts?
-       What is meant by the term, “No taxation without representation?”
-       What happened at the 1770 Boston Massacre? Why did John Adams defend the British?
-       How did John Adams plan his masterful defense?
-       Identify the intolerable acts in response to the Boston Tea Party
-       Why were the battles of Lexington and Concord significant?
-       What was decided at the First Continental Congress?

Ch. 4, Sect. 2- Ideas Behind the Revolution
-       What was decided at the Second Continental Congress?
-       Identify the Olive Branch Petition.  What was it? Who initiated it?
-       Who was the main author of the Declaration of Independence?
-       Identify the 3 parts of the Declaration of Independence after the preamble
-       Why did Thomas Paine write Common Sense?

Ch. 4, Sect. 3- Fighting for Independence
-       British and American strengths and weaknesses

Ch. 4, Sect.4- Winning Independence
-       What were the points decided at the Treaty of Paris to end the Revolutionary War?
-       Why did America win the war?

-       John Adams, Sam Adams, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Dickinson, Caesar Rodney, Captain Preston, Abigail Adams, John Hancock, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Paine

Ch. 5- The Constitution of the U.S.

Section 1 Government by the States
-       Articles of Confederation; background and weaknesses

Section 2 The Constitutional Convention
-       James Madison
-       New Jersey Plan vs Virginia Plan
-       Great Compromise
-       3 branches
-       checks and balances
-       role of electoral college

Section 3 Ratifying the Constitution
-       Federalists vs Antifederalists
-       The Bill of Rights
-       Powers of legislative branch, executive branch and judicial branch
-       How does one become president?

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The Constitution

 The preamble of the Constitution: Click here to watch the video.

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Use this link to review the text of the Constitution for your worksheet. The text of the Constitution is also found on pgs 172-195 of your textbook.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Unit 2 Quiz Topics

- Proclamation of 1763
- Stamp Act
- Townshend Acts
- Sons of Liberty
- Boston Massacre
- Boston Tea Party
- Intolerable Acts
- First Continental Congress
- Lexington and Concord
- Second Continental Congress
- Olive Branch Petition
- Thomas Paine's Common Sense
- Parts of the Declaration of Independence
- Strengths/weaknesses of American and British armies
- Results of end of the war: Treaty of Paris 1783