Thursday, May 14, 2015

Unit 11 Test Guide

Unit 11 Test Guide- The Cold War Era 1950s-1970s

-       Why was there a post WWII economic boom?
-       Identify the post war migrations that took place, and the reasons for them.
-       Identify the effects of the 1950s baby boom
-       What were the post war goals of the U.S and the Soviet Union
-       Years of the Cold War
-       Containment policy and Truman Doctrine
-       Why did the Berlin Airlift occur?
-       Purpose of NATO, Warsaw Pact
-       Why did the Korean War take place? Outcome?
-       JFK’s New Frontier program
-       Why did Soviets build Berlin Wall in 1961?
-       JFK’s policy of flexible response
-       Reason for and outcome of the Bay of Pigs Invasion
-       Reason for and outcome of Cuban Missile Crisis
-       LBJ’s Great Society
-       The Earl Warren Court liberal decisions (know the cases)
-       Link the rise of liberalism in the 1960s to the rise of conservatism in the 1970s
-       Know the difference between the beliefs of liberals and conservatives
-       What caused the economic decline of the 1970s? (besides the oil crisis)
-       Were the decisions of the Warren Burger court liberal or conservative, why?
-       Identify the significance of Title IX
-       Explain Richard Nixon’s domestic policy of New Federalism. Was it conservative or liberal?
-       Why did the energy crisis occur in 1973? Role of OPEC. Effect on America?
-       What happened during the Watergate scandal?
-       Explain Nixon’s foreign policy of detente

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