Friday, April 17, 2015

WWII Test Guide

WWII Test Guide

-       All notes
-       Video sheet: Over the Edge- study all questions
-       Video sheet: The Homefront- study all questions
-       WWII map of Europe

-       Causes of WWII
-       Dictatorships of Europe: Germany, Soviet Union, Italy, Japan- Study your chart; know leaders, type of government and goals
-       Reasons for invasion of Rhineland, Sudetanland
-       Neville Chamberlain’s policy of appeasement
-       Neutrality Acts
-       Lend-Lease Act
-       D-Day
-       Why did Japan bomb Pearl Harbor? Date? Quote? What happened the next day?
-       Axis powers; Allies
-       FDR’s 4 Freedoms; Norman Rockwell paintings
-       Selective Training and Service Act
-       How did the American homefront change? Volunteers, rationing, victory gardens, role of women, Rosie the Riveter
-       Role of African Americans- Tuskagee Airmen, Double V Campaign
-       Japanese internment camps
-       Allies strategy at the beginning of the war
-       Victory in Europe- date
-       What happened at the Yalta Conference?
-       2 main goals of the war in the Pacific
-       Island-hopping
-       Potsdam Declaration
-       Atomic bombs- Hiroshima, Nagasaki
-       Victory in Japan day
-       Nuremburg Trials

People:  Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Neville Chamberlain, Norman Rockwell, Dwight Eisenhower

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