Tuesday, April 28, 2015

1960s Research

1960s Research. 30 points.

Answer the following questions on a word document.  Must be TYPED and DOUBLE-SPACED and include a correct MLA heading. You may work with one other student, however, all students will turn in a copy of the answers. Include the questions before each answer.  All questions must be answered correctly and thoroughly IN YOUR OWN WORDS with the help of your textbook and credible sources on the internet.  Pictures must be formatted to a reasonable size. Organization and neatness of your paper will be considered.

JFK as President (1961-1963, Democrat)
1.     The 1960s are labeled a “tumultuous” decade. Define tumultuous.

2.     Who were the candidates in the 1960s election? How did television impact the election?  Provide a picture of both candidates side by side on tv.

3.     Identify 2 precedents JFK set as president.

4.     Make a list of John F. Kennedy’s visions within his “New Frontier” program for America. (5 examples)

5.     Explain JFK’s foreign policy of “flexible response.”

6.     Why did Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev build the Berlin Wall in 1961? Provide a picture of the construction of the wall.

7.     How did JFK handle the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962? Find a picture of the map of the targeted areas of the U.S from Cuba.

8.     Why was JFK assassinated in 1963? Who was the assassin? Identify the role of Jack Ruby. Provide a picture of the motorcade prior to the assassination.

LBJ as President (1963-1969, Democrat)

1.     Lyndon B. Johnson’s program was the “Great Society.” Identify aspects of this program. (5 examples) Provide a picture of LBJ.

2.     LBJ’s Great Society program is most like which former program?

3.     Explain the purpose of freedom riders.

4.     What was the Black Power movement? Leader? Goals?

5.     Explain the main ideas Betty Friedan’s novel The Feminine Mystique. Provide a picture of the novel cover.

6.     Explain what is meant by the Domino Theory.

7.     What was the goal of America upon entering the Vietnam conflict. Provide a map with a picture of Vietnam.

8.     How many U.S. troops were sent to Vietnam in 1964? 1965? 1966? 1967?

9.     Summarize the anti-war protests in America. What were the main arguments of the protesters? Provide 3 pictures of anti-war protests.

10. Explain the over all beliefs of the counter-culture movement during the 1960s.

11. Identify the two assassinations that took place in 1968 in America.

12. Who won the 1968 election? What did he promise Americans?

The 1960s over all…

1.     Explain why the 1960s was a liberal decade. Be sure to understand what the term means.

Friday, April 24, 2015

1950s Video- Happy Days

“Happy Days” – Video

1. Dwight David Eisenhower enjoyed immense popularity when he was president between 1953 and 1961. What was Ike¹s appeal? Why was he so popular?

2. The 1950s witnessed the most prosperous economy in American history. How did this prosperity transform the country?

3. Discuss gender roles in the 1950s. Why were these roles so rigid? How have these roles changed? How have they remained similar?

4. Television became part of almost every American home in the 1950s. What was the impact of television on 1950s culture?

5. Why was television so popular? How has the role of television in American society changed? How has it remained the same?

6. Rock-n-roll debuted in the 1950s and caused consternation among some of the older generation. Why were traditionalists so concerned about the effects of rock-n-roll?

7.  Discuss the impact of Elvis Presley on American culture and American music.

8. Discuss the impact of the Baby Boom. How did this boom fuel rock-n-roll and the youth culture of the 1950s?

9.  What is an icon? Discuss the impact of some of the icons of the 1950s.

10. African-Americans chose the 1950s as the decade to change the system of segregation. How did Martin Luther King, Jr. become the leader of this Civil Rights Movement?

11. Discuss the events that happened at Central High School in Arkansas. What was the impact for the rest of the nation?

12. Explain the impact of automobiles in the 1950s.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Unit 11- The Cold War/ 1950s

1. Define communism.

2. Define capitalism.

3. Explain the containment policy.

4. How did the Truman Doctrine prevent the spread of communism?

5. Why did the U.S. go through with the Berlin Airlift?

6. Why did the U.S. get involved in the Korean War? What was the outcome of the war? Years?

Friday, April 17, 2015

WWII Test Guide

WWII Test Guide

-       All notes
-       Video sheet: Over the Edge- study all questions
-       Video sheet: The Homefront- study all questions
-       WWII map of Europe

-       Causes of WWII
-       Dictatorships of Europe: Germany, Soviet Union, Italy, Japan- Study your chart; know leaders, type of government and goals
-       Reasons for invasion of Rhineland, Sudetanland
-       Neville Chamberlain’s policy of appeasement
-       Neutrality Acts
-       Lend-Lease Act
-       D-Day
-       Why did Japan bomb Pearl Harbor? Date? Quote? What happened the next day?
-       Axis powers; Allies
-       FDR’s 4 Freedoms; Norman Rockwell paintings
-       Selective Training and Service Act
-       How did the American homefront change? Volunteers, rationing, victory gardens, role of women, Rosie the Riveter
-       Role of African Americans- Tuskagee Airmen, Double V Campaign
-       Japanese internment camps
-       Allies strategy at the beginning of the war
-       Victory in Europe- date
-       What happened at the Yalta Conference?
-       2 main goals of the war in the Pacific
-       Island-hopping
-       Potsdam Declaration
-       Atomic bombs- Hiroshima, Nagasaki
-       Victory in Japan day
-       Nuremburg Trials

People:  Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Neville Chamberlain, Norman Rockwell, Dwight Eisenhower

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

The Holocaust

Antisemitism began in Germany in 1933. 9 million Jews lived across European countries that would eventually be taken over by Germany. 6 million Jews died by 1945. That means 2 out of every 3 Jews perished from Nazi genocide.

Your task is to read about the Nazi rule, Jews in prewar Germany, the "Final Solution", Nazi concentration camps, and rescue from the camps. To do this, visit the official site of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum using the links provided below.

Answer all questions in complete sentences on a WORD DOCUMENT in MLA format.  DO NOT PLAGIARIZE.. all answers must be in your own writing.

Due: Friday, April 17 (should be completed during class time on Wed and Thurs)
Value:  20 points (4 points per question)

1. Under the Nazi Rule section, read about why the Nazis also directed their hatred towards handicapped individuals, titled The Murder of the Handicapped. Summarize why the Nazis targeted the handicapped in the T-4/ Euthanasia program.

2. Read about the background to Auschwitz, the largest concentration camp established by the Germans. Explain the setting of the camp, daily life in the camp, impossible escapes, and longevity of prisoners.

3. The Soviet solders were the first to liberate Jews from the camps in 1944. Read and summarize the liberation experience faced by the Allied soldiers, what they saw, and the reactions of the survivors.

4. Look at all 3 pages of photographs on the site. Choose the photograph that stands out to you the most. Identify the photograph and be sure to state your reasons why it "caught your eye."

5. Lastly, browse away from the Holocaust website to find TWO other acts of genocide in history (look up this word if you don't know what it means). The term genocide didn't officially exist until the 1940's, so you may need to alter your search words to find examples pre-1940. Use any credible source to find your answer. You do not need to cite your source.