Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Midterm Guide

CP American History
Midterm Review 2015
Mrs. Delle Cave

Unit 1:  Early Exploration and Colonization (Chapters 1,2,3)
1.     Christopher Columbus: Changing views of the 400th and 500th anniversary
2.     What was the Columbian Exchange?
3.     What was the Jamestown colony?
4.     Describe a representative government
5.     Who were the Pilgrims? Why did they leave Europe?
6.     What was the Mayflower Compact?
7.     Who were the Puritans? Why did they leave England?
8.     Define religious tolerance
9.     Who were the Quakers? Who was their leader?
10.  John Smith
11.  Anne Hutchinson
12.  Jonathan Edwards
13.  John Winthrop
14.  Define Mercantilism
15.  Great Awakening; What was it ? What was its impact? Who was a leader?

Unit 2: The American Revolution and Formation of Early Government (Ch. 4, 5)
1.     What was the French and Indian War? Why did it happen?
2.     What was significant about the Albany Plan of Union?
3.     Proclamation of 1763:
4.     Why did Britain tax the colonies after the French and Indian War?
5.     What does “No taxation without representation” mean?
6.     Who was Sam Adams?
7.     Who was John Adams?
8.     Who were the Sons of Liberty?
9.     Join or Die political cartoon meaning
10.  What happened at the Boston Massacre?
11.  Why did John Adams defend the British soldiers?
12.  Why did Britain impose the Intolerable Acts on the colonies? What were they?
13.  Why are the Battles of Lexington and Concord important?
14.  First Continental Congress decision
15.  Who wrote Common Sense? What was its impact?
16.  When was the Declaration of Independence made official?
17.  Who wrote the Declaration?
18.  What were the 3 main parts of the Declaration?
19.  What are two reasons why American won the Revolutionary War?
20.  George Washington
21.  Thomas Jefferson
22.  John Dickinson
23.  Thomas Paine
24.  Paul Revere
25.  Define the Articles of Confederation
26.  What was the Constitutional Convention?
27.  3 branches of government and powers
28.  Who was the father of the constitution
29.  What is included in the New Jersey Plan? The Virginia Plan?
30.  How did the Great Compromise solve the problem in #4?
31.  Define the Three-Fifths Compromise
32.  What’s the difference between Federalists and Antifederalists?
33.  What are the Bill of Rights?

Unit 3: Antebellum America: (Ch. 6-10)
1.     Election of 1800- Name who won? Antifederalist or Federalist?
2.     What was the Louisiana Purchase
3.     What was the purpose of the Lewis and Clark Expedition
4.     Who was the War of 1812 fought between? Why? Results?
5.     Define manifest destiny
6.     John O’Sullivan
7.     California Gold Rush
8.     Define Industrial Revolution?
9.     Francis Cabot Lowell
10.  Samuel Slater
11.  Define factory system
12.  What are interchangeable parts?
13.  Who were the Lowell girls?
14.  What is urbanization?
15.  What is meant by division of labor?
16.  Andrew Jackson
17.  Define the Indian Removal Act
18.  Define the Trail of Tears
19.  Where did most immigrants come from between 1820-1860?
20.  Where did they tend to settle?
21.  How did immigrants affect American industry?
22.  Who were nativists? Why did they oppose immigrants?
23.  Why is Harriet Tubman called “Black Moses?”
24.  Why was Uncle Tom’s Cabin important?
25.  What was decided in the Dred Scott case?
26.  Why was John Brown considered a martyr?

Unit 4- The Civil War and Reconstruction (Ch. 11)
1.     List some strengths and weaknesses of both the north and south at the start of the Civil War
2.     Lincoln’s main goal at the start of the war
3.     What was Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation?
4.     Why was the election of 1860 significant?
5.     Why was Gettysburg a turning point?
6.     What important points did Lincoln make in the Gettysburg Address?
7.     Robert E Lee
8.     Ulysses S Grant
9.     How was the North different from the south after the Civil War?
10.  13th amendment

Unit 5- Post Civil War America (Ch. 13-16)

1.     Why did stereotypes of the West emerge?
2.     Turner/ Frontier Thesis
3.     Differences in land ownership between Native Americans and Americans
4.     Assimilation
5.     Carlisle Indian School
6.     Andrew Carnegie
7.     Gospel of Wealth
8.     Vertical Consolidation
9.     John Rockefeller
10.  Horizontal Consolidation
11.  Arguments for and against big business
12.  “New Immigrants”
13.  Chinese Exclusion Act
14.  Acculturation
15.  Nativists
16.  Jacob Riis- How the Other Half Lives
17.  Political Bosses
18.  Boss William Tweed
19.  Thomas Nast

Short Essay Topics:

1. How did the end of the French and Indian War lead to problems between the colonies and Great Britian?
2. Impact of the factory system in the early to mid 1800s.
3. Consequences of the Civil War (economic) (led to the Gided Age)

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