Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Unit 7- WWI Quiz

Quiz- Friday, Feb 20th

Topics: Study your video sheet, "Shell Shock"

- Causes of WWI, both underlying and immediate cause
- Central vs. Allies countries
- Characteristics of trench warfare
- Why was America neutral and public opinion split at the start of the war?
- Sussex Pledge
- Lusitania
- Identify 3 main reasons why the U.S. moved closer to declaring war
- When did Pres Wilson declare war?
- Identify the changes that took place on the home front
- Identify George Creel and the role of the CPI
- How did Americans become more anti-German?
- Total death toll of the war
- The Treaty of Versailles
- Wilson's 14 points
- Why didn't the U.S. join the League of Nations?

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Cyber Day- Feb 17

Read the article- "Over Here: America on the WWI Home Front" and answer the following questions.

1. Why did the U.S. government feel the need to influence public opinion during WWI?

2. Identify the CPI.

3. Who was George Creel?

4. How did Americans become anti-German during the war?

Read the article about Wilson's 14 Points to answer the following questions.

1. What was the immediate cause of U.S entry into WWI?

2. Identify several of Wilson's 14 points.

3. Explain the League of Nations, as proposed by Wilson.  (use the internet for this answer)

4. Did America join the League of Nations at the end of WWI? Explain why or why not. (use the internet)

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Unit 6 Video Review Questions

1.     Before you watch the video… define IMPERIALISM (it’s in your notes)
2.     Why did America pursue imperialism in the late 1800s? (several reasons)
3.     Who was Alfred Mahan and what did he argue?
4.     Why were coal stations in the Pacific so important?
5.     What year was Hawaii annexed?
6.     Why did the Spanish-American War occur?
7.     Who was president of the U.S. during the Spanish-American War?
8.     Why was the battleship Maine significant?
9.     How did the war affect Theodore Roosevelt’s career? Be specific.
10. What territories did the U.S. gain as a result of the Spanish-American War?
11. Why were the territories important?

Unit 6 Test Guide

Unit 6- Becoming a World Power
Test Guide

1.     Study all notes from Unit 6
2.     Study Homework and Worksheets
a.     The Annexation of Hawaii
b.     Hawaii’s Last Queen video sheet


Essential Idea of progressivism

What is Progressivism? Origins? Goals?

Writers and Journalists


The Jungle

-       Define imperialism and identify the four reasons why countries were imperialistic
-       How/why did the U.S. gain control of Hawaii? 
-       How did missionaries influence U.S. control of Hawaii
-       What was the Bayonet Constitution?
-       Why does Hawaii have a diverse population?
-       Why did the U.S. want to gain access to trade with China?
-       Explain the situation in Cuba and the Philippines before the Spanish-American War
-       Identify and explain 2 reasons why the U.S. went to war with Spain.
-       Identify the results of the Spanish-American War
-       Why was the conflict called “a splendid little war?”
-       How did the U.S. gain access to the Panama Canal zone
-       Identify 3 reasons why the U.S. wanted to build the Panama Canal

-       William McKinley
-       Alfred Mahan
-       Sanford Dole
-       King Kalakaua
-       Queen Lilioukalani
-       James Blount
-       Theodore Roosevelt